About Us

To promote and improve the teaching of agriculture in secondary schools and where courses in technical agriculture or college degree constitute the principal function, maintain and improve professional standards of teachers of agricultural education, maintain and develop opportunities for agriculture teachers to discuss all problems affecting agriculture on the state and national level, develop and maintain proper relationships with other organizations and agencies having compatible objectives, maintain and develop social fellowship within the teaching profession and sponsor, promote and guide strong, functioning programs of the National FFA Organization.

KAAE ColorLogo

The Kansas Association of Agricultural Educators (KAAE) was founded in 1933 as the Kansas Vocational Agriculture Association. KAAE serves 193 members across the state. The organization works to better the teachers who educate more than 13,000 students enrolled in Kansas high school agricultural programs and the nearly 10,000 Kansas FFA members.

KAAE is a state affiliate in Region II of the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE). Our parent organization, based out of Lexington, Kentucky, advocates, provides professional development and works to recruit and retain agricultural educators.

Click here to learn more about NAAE.

Executive Committee

President – Kasie Bogart

President-Elect – Laura Miller

Past-President – Dr. Kelly Hoelting

Executive Secretary – Carmelita Goossen

Executive Treasurer – Jed Strnad

Membership Director – Laura Bina

Inservice Coordinator – Lacie Harshbarger

East Central District Vice President – Alicia Hampton

North Central District Vice President – Jacob Rutledge

Northeast District Vice President – Matthew Anguiano

Northwest District Vice President – Janet Gottstine

South Central District Vice President – Corineah Williams

Southeast District Vice President – Scott Sutton

Southwest District Vice President – Kelly Sipes

Kansas FFA Association – Mary Kane

Kansas FFA Foundation – Beth Gaines

K-State Agricultural Education – Dr. Gaea Hock

Kansas Department of Education –

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