What we grow changes how the world grows

Let’s Get Started

what is ag education?


The agricultural education program involves the following components: rigorous classroom instruction (contextual learning), Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) hands-on experience and career exploration (work-based learning), and the FFA (connecting activity). Programs are designed to prepare students to fill community needs, enter post-secondary agricultural programs, and develop their personal skills.

Participate WITH Kansas FFA

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There are several areas within the Kansas FFA Association for all members to get involved. Whether you grew up on a farm or in a suburb, have a passion for livestock judging or public speaking, want to explore the depths of agriscience, or get hands-on experience working in the industry, there is a place for you. Take that first step in your FFA career and find your passion within this organization and the agricultural industry.

Kansas FFA Foundation

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The Kansas FFA Foundation exists to support Kansas FFA members and agriculture education professionals. Formed in 1982, primarily as a scholarship endowment, the Foundation financially supports a wide range of program areas including awards, events, student grants, and scholarships. Find out more about how you can assist the Foundation with growing the next generation of leaders in the state of Kansas.

Upcoming Calendar Events

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February 21

American Royal Complex, Kansas City MO
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February 21

American Royal Complex, Kansas City MO
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February 21

American Royal Complex, Kansas City MO
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Support Our Future

Supporting Kansas FFA is an investment in the future of our state and the agricultural industry. The Kansas FFA has nearly 10,000 members and is growing. We need your support to ensure our young people can continue to thrive through the FFA. Support of the Kansas FFA Foundation allows us to fund its FFA programming, student scholarships, agricultural education and educator professional development, SAE grants, leadership development, and the Kansas FFA Convention. Contributions are tax-deductible as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.