State FFA Degree
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Information Updated 12/08/2023
The State FFA Degree is the highest degree that the State FFA Association can bestow on a member. This degree is award annually at the State FFA Convention to those members who have met the minimum qualifications set forth by the Kansas FFA Association and National FFA Organization. The golden charm of the State FFA Degree is the symbol of growth and development in the members chosen occupation.
The Constitution of the Kansas Association establishes minimum qualifications for election to the State FFA Degree:
- Must have held the Chapter FFA Degree preceding election to the State FFA Degree, have been an active member of the FFA for at least two years and have maintained and completed two consecutive calendar years of record books which would follow the recommendations set by the Kansas Association of Agricultural Educators (KAAE), and indicate participation in activities of the local chapter.
- Have completed the equivalent or at least two years (360 hours) of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level, which includes a supervised agricultural experience program; if in high school, must be enrolled in an agriculture education course.
- Receive instruction in and demonstrate proficiency in at least ten parliamentary procedure motions, documented and signed by the chapter advisor and submitted with the application.
- Demonstrate leadership ability by giving at least a six minute oral presentation or speech on a topic relating to agriculture or the FFA, and serving as an officer and/or committee chairperson or a participating member of a major committee.
- Have earned and productively invested at least $2,000 by his or her own efforts from a supervised agricultural experience program, or have worked (other than scheduled class time) as least 600 hours. The student may use a combination of both dollars and hours that equal the whole.
- Demonstrate leadership ability as evidenced by their leadership and cooperation in student, chapter, and community activities, and meet academic outcomes with an average of a “C” or better as defined by local superintendent or principal.
- Have participated in at least eight different kinds of activities above the chapter level, determined by a compiled checklist developed by each district and formulated by the state degree committee.
- Have participated in at least 25 hours of community service, within at least two different community service activities. These hours are in addition to and cannot be duplicated as paid or unpaid SAE hours.
Applications for the State FFA Degree must be approved by the chapter advisor and submitted at the District Selection Day. Applications are informally reviewed at the District Selection Day will then be forwarded on to the State FFA Office. The State Degree Selection Committee shall complete a final review the applicants and recommend those candidates meeting the minimum qualifications. Final approval of the candidates shall be given by the delegates present at the State FFA Convention.