Taiwan Agricultural Youth Exchange Program Accepting Applications

MANHATTAN, Kansas — The 2023 Taiwan Agricultural Youth Exchange Program is currently accepting applications from Kansas State University undergraduate students who are interested in agriculture and would like to represent Kansas in a week-long international exchange program in Taiwan from November 17–25, 2023.

The program is coordinated by the Kansas Department of Agriculture with the support of Kansas State University’s College of Agriculture and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Denver under a bilateral exchange program between K-State and National Chung Hsing University.

Up to six K-State undergraduate students will be selected to tour agricultural facilities and businesses in Taiwan to learn more about Taiwanese agriculture and culture. Dr. Dan Moser, Associate Dean of Academic Programs, announced the College of Agriculture will award a $1,000 scholarship to each student selected to participate in the program. Moser stated, “This is a tremendous opportunity for K-State students to experience agriculture on a global level. We are thrilled to support the exchange program and award scholarships to the students participating in the program.”

“The entire experience was amazing,” said Sage Collins, a past program participant of the exchange program. “Immersing myself in a new culture, experiencing all the aspects of Taiwan, and learning about their agricultural practices was an eye-opening experience for me.”

Exports play an important role in Kansas agriculture. In 2022, Kansas exported $225 million in agricultural products to Taiwan and was the state’s sixth-largest trading partner. The top five agricultural export categories to Taiwan were red meat, oilseeds, co-products (feed/meal), vegetables, and baking prep/ingredients. Exports have been steadily increasing for the last five years.

“Students will return from Taiwan with a better understanding of international agriculture and the role that exports play in their local communities,” said Suzanne Ryan-Numrich, international trade director at KDA. “International travel broadens your horizons and will build your confidence to try new things — ultimately, you’ll become more open-minded. It is my hope that every student that has an interest in the program will apply.”

For the first time in the history of the program, students from National Chung Hsing University will travel to Kansas in spring of 2024. Ryan-Numrich continued, “The program faced many roadblocks during the pandemic, but we have partners that believed in the agricultural exchange program and have worked hard to bring it back —better than ever. We look forward to hosting students from Taiwan to showcase agriculture in Kansas.”

In order to be eligible to apply, a student must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student in good standing at K-State with a strong agricultural background and a valid U.S. passport, and must be able to pay for some of the airfare costs and meals (approximately $1,000).

Find specific application requirements on the KDA website: agriculture.ks.gov/AgEd. The application deadline is September 5, 2023.  For additional information, contact Dana Ladner, KDA outreach and education program manager, at [email protected] or 785-564-6660.