Sometimes It's Just a Bad Day
Sometimes we just seem to have bad days. The days that start out on a sour note and just seem to go downhill from there. I’ve even had bad weeks, where the unfortunate circumstances seemed to continue throughout the whole week.
I had a day like this recently. I woke up late to a dead phone that obviously didn’t go off at the times I’d set (if I don’t set like five alarms I might not get up), sick with whatever was making it’s way through the dorms, with a test to finish studying for, a paper needing turned in, and a lot more to get done. It seemed like I had a lot to do and I wasn’t finding any more time to get it done in. When classes were over and I thought I’d survived, I found out the arena was still too wet, so going to rope wasn’t about to happen today. But in all honesty, I smiled quite a bit that day.
Here’s the deal friends. Bad days exist. Bad things happen. Sometimes we just have plain bad luck. But there’s not a whole lot we can do to change the circumstances that happen because of these things. Sometimes we get busy and sometimes we have a lot on our plate, but when even when we can’t control our circumstances, we can still control our reactions. It could be a matter of choosing the right attitude, or it could be simply acknowledging that our best step forward is just to keep stepping forward. If we make a deliberate attempt to keep pushing forward, those bad days go a lot quicker.
Accepting the circumstances we find ourselves in isn’t easy. It takes a lot of maturity, self-awareness, and a lot of persistence. But when we choose to face those bad days directly instead of spending the day complaining and remaining in a bad mood, they don’t seem quite so bad.