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A Simple Hello

Blog News

We have the unique ability to tell our story and build connections through those experiences that we have on the farm, in the blue jacket, and in this industry.

The phone was my biggest enemy as a child. Growing up in elementary school, I struggled talking to new people, especially when it was on the phone. I remember a specific time when I was faced with the worst predicament: NO call, NO go!  You see, I was in the truck with my mom, and she wouldn’t drive the car into town until I called Pizza Hut and asked what their daily special was. This might seem funny to you, but for 10-year-old Mason, I was scared to death to make this phone call. Knowing what the outcome would be if I didn’t make the call, while also being a little hungry, I decided to just do it. After the most stressful three minutes of my life, it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I realized something; I could make a phone call. I could communicate with people I didn’t know. I could talk to someone new!

Have you ever met someone randomly that left a positive impact on your life?

I vividly remember sitting in the Kansas City airport several summers ago waiting for the flight heading to Washington D.C. so I could attend the Washington Leadership Conference. While waiting for the flight, I decided to get a Starbucks coffee, as it was the only restaurant open in the wee hours of the morning. During the wait in line, the nice man behind me tapped me on the shoulder and offered a simple “Good Morning,” which then turned into a surprising conversation. Come to find out, we were both from the same part of the state, both had ties to agriculture, and were both involved with FFA. As I was on my way to D.C., he was on his way to Chicago for a business trip. When it came time to finally order my drink, I asked for my usual and reached for my wallet, but he insisted that he pay for it. That simple act of kindness made the start of my trip the best it could be, and it all started with a simple, quick, and easy, “hello.”

Whether it is meeting a member from another FFA chapter or meeting a new colleague where you work, we meet new people almost every day. As many of us are rooted in agriculture, we have the unique ability to tell our story and build connections through those experiences that we have on the farm, in the blue jacket, and in this industry. During this spring season, there are chapter events, banquets, state convention, graduations, and so much more going on. When given an opportunity, be that person to start up a conversation. You never know, a simple hello could lead to a moment in time that you will remember for the rest of your life!