State Star Awards
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Information Updated 6/22/2023
Kansas FFA annually recognizes FFA members who rise to the top with the Kansas Star Awards. These members have gone above and beyond in their attitude, involvement, community service and supervised agricultural experience. Finalists for these awards have mastered skills in production, finance, and/or management.
Each district will select a qualified candidate whose application and record book were correct at the District Review Day. The district may select an individual to be considered for the State Star Farmer, the State Star in Agribusiness and the State Star in Agricultural Placement.
Eligibility for “State Degree Star Awards” is like the eligibility for Proficiency Awards. Members may apply for Star while they are in high school or only one year out of high school. Students must apply for Star the same year they are applying for their State Degree. More details about applying for State Star are located in the State Degree Handbook.
District Candidate Applications to State: March 15
Star Farmer Eligibility
Students earning this degree must have completed SAEs – Entrepreneurship pages, in addition to other applicable parts. Use only earnings from production agriculture experiences in comparing and selecting the district star. (Do not include placement earnings).
Star in Agribusiness Eligibility
Candidates whose SAE entrepreneurial earnings focus on providing supplies and services TO and FROM the agricultural/natural resources industry that represent more than half of their total earnings are to be considered for Star in Agribusiness.
Candidates may complete SAEs – Research or SAEs – Entrepreneurship pages, in addition to other applicable parts.
Star in Ag Placement Eligibility
Students earning this degree must have completed SAEs – Placement pages, in addition to other applicable parts. Use only earnings from placement experience in comparing and selecting the district star. (Do not include entrepreneurship earnings). SAE must be related to agriculture enterprises.