Kansas FFA Members Named Stars Over Kansas
Each year, the Kansas FFA Association recognizes three FFA members who have the top Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) programs with the Star Farmer, Star in Agribusiness and Star in Ag Placement awards. The Star competitions are sponsored by Farm Credit Associations of Kansas, United Bank and Trust and Kansas Farm Bureau.

Star in Agribusiness:
Pike Valley FFA member Andrew Garman was recognized as the State Star in Agribusiness. Garman created Garman Industrial, where he purchased his own welder and CFC cutter, and taught himself tig welding and has continued to grow his own welding and fabrication business. He enjoys building custom skid steer attachments.
Star in Ag Placement:
Labette County FFA member, Noah Wiley, was recognized as the State Star in Ag Placement. Wiley works for Fraiser Farms, which raises corn wheat and soybeans. His duties include planting, tillage, crop scouting and other tasks. He started out picking up rocks and roots, and then built from there. He is now trusted with maintenance of farm equipment.
Star Farmer:
West Franklin FFA member Adelle Higbie was recognized as the State Star Farmer. Higbie owns and operates 30 head of meat goat stock. Her other SAE is beef production, where she has 10 head of Polled Hereford cattle. She has enjoyed watching her breeding stock evolve and improve throughout her time in FFA.