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FFA Week Resolution


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representatives Tracey Mann (KS-01) and Jimmy Panetta (CA-20), co-chairs of the Congressional FFA Caucus, and Representatives GT Thompson (PA-15) and Jim Langevin (RI-02), co-chairs of the Congressional Career and Technical Education Caucus, introduced a bipartisan resolution designating February 19-26 as National FFA Week. Nearly 90 cosponsors joined the effort in the U.S. House of Representatives, and it was also introduced in the U.S. Senate in an effort led by Senators Todd Young (R-IN) and Chris Coons (D-DE).

In addition to designating National FFA Week, the resolution also recognizes the important role of the National FFA Organization in developing the next generation of leaders who will change the world and celebrates 70 years of the National FFA Organization’s membership magazine, now called New Horizons.

“The future is making strong demands,” said Rep. Mann. “By the year 2030, the global population is expected to surpass eight billion people. Now more than ever, we need young people with the foresight, creativity, and skills necessary to meet the challenges of delivering food, fiber, and fuel to the world. The National FFA Organization, state FFA associations, and local FFA chapters across the country give students the tools and resources they need to tackle those problems head-on. As a past chapter FFA officer from Quinter, Kansas, proud FFA alumnus, and founder of the Congressional FFA Caucus, I am honored to introduce this resolution to celebrate National FFA Week.”

“I’m proud to introduce this bipartisan resolution to establish National FFA Week,” said Rep. Panetta. “Although many of us from agricultural communities appreciate what our young farmers and ranchers do throughout the year, this resolution will allow the entire nation to take a week to formally acknowledge what they do and encourage them to continue their work for the country. This resolution demonstrates Congress’ commitment to the FFA and the young men and women who proudly wear the blue corduroy jacket, knowing that their work not only contributes to their ranches and farms today, it also will contribute to our food security for tomorrow.”

“National FFA Week is an important week for members across the country, as not only do we celebrate the organization, but we share the message of FFA and agriculture,” said National FFA Advisor Dr. James Woodard. “During this week, FFA chapters across the country celebrate agriculture while thanking their supporters –whether it be their local alumni chapters, ag advisors or local businesses who support them. Today, FFA and agricultural education continue to play a key role in not only developing the next generation of leaders but also developing those who will be filling the ever-growing need in the talent pipeline. We are grateful to Representatives Mann and Panetta for supporting National FFA week and their continued support of our organization.”

“The National FFA Organization plays a critical role in shaping and educating the next generation of farmers, producers, and ranchers,” said Rep. Glen “GT” Thompson. “This resolution recognizes the importance of the FFA and its ability to expose students to a wide range of agricultural careers. Let us celebrate the past, present, and future FFA leaders who help young people develop their talents and explore their interests in the agriculture industry.”

“Around the country, local FFA chapters are helping to inspire and support the leaders of tomorrow through agricultural education,” said Rep. Jim Langevin. “I’m honored to celebrate National FFA Week alongside my colleagues from both sides of the aisle. All Americans owe a debt of gratitude to the young women and men who will meet the challenges of tomorrow, from delivering food to tables around the world, to making lifesaving scientific discoveries and running successful businesses.”

“Hoosiers agree FFA plays a critical role in the development of students through agricultural education. The lessons, tools, and resources gained through the FFA program equip Indiana’s future leaders with the skills needed to succeed in a variety of fields, including agriculture,” said Senator Young. “I’m glad to introduce this resolution establishing National FFA Week in support of the more than 11,600 FFA members in Indiana.”

“In Delaware and across the country, young leaders learn to meet the agricultural challenges of tomorrow through programs offered by the Delaware FFA and the National FFA Organization, and our talented agricultural educators,” said Senator Coons. “Here in the Senate, I’m glad we could pass this bipartisan resolution honoring this critical organization and its members who contribute so much to the fabric of many of our communities.”

Representatives Mann and Panetta launched the Congressional FFA Caucus in December of 2021. The organization serves to raise the profile of school-based agricultural education and FFA and to develop relationships between Congress and the next generation of leaders in food and agriculture. There are currently 38 members of the U.S. House of Representatives in the Congressional FFA Caucus.

Click here to read the full text of the resolution.