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Are all Officers at Their Stations?


I was unsure of how to write my last blog as a Kansas State FFA Officer. I started looking at old pictures, videos, and replayed all the events of this last year in my mind. As the memories gathered, so did my tears, coming in waves at the thought of leaving it all behind. Although I am so happy to be starting the next chapter that life and even FFA has to offer, I am still in denial that in a few short days, I will be “stationed by the emblem of Washington” for the very last time. I like to sometimes think how my station has always been a reminder to myself to never forget where I came from. My station tells my story, and as a team we were slated for our personalities. I am not sure the qualities which I possess that allow me the name of Washington, but I do think fondly of how business was the way I grew in FFA. Some see a little beekeeper with enough honey to fill a college dorm (yes, I did that), but I see a person who has learned investment, negotiation, and is now a businesswoman. But as much as I would like to say I am that talented, it was the FFA that gave me the means, environment, confidence, and motivation to grow me to where I am. But this final blog is not about me, it is about all the other stations that surrounded me. 

The Sentinal, Stationed by the Door 

Josey is more than just a door holder; she is the perfect example of the greatest friend you can ask for. Her ability to work with members has only grown and agriculture is only one of her many passions. She has more dedication and perseverance in her body than I have ever seen and even her cat is depressed when she leaves. When I get lost in something, feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or that I am not enough, it is Josey’s voice that comes to mind, “No, you’re good, you’re okay.” Josey is always the first one to reassure you like a parent might when a toddler falls. She is there to pick up every piece you drop and hand it back to you along with the confidence you need to carry it. Coming to Manhattan to see the officers is always a treat, and Josey’s hugs are worth the entire drive. She is stationed by the door in my mind because of her bright smile, warm hugs, and beautiful face and heart. Being by the door means she is the first person someone sees when entering our association, which is right where she should be. She welcomes friends, assists in anything she can, and she is the greatest sentinal and friend I could ever ask for. 

The Reporter, Stationed by the Flag 

She may never have gone to Alaska or the Virgin Islands, but this force to be reckoned with popped into our lives from literally across the globe. Bringing sunshine and love with her, I had never seen a soul reflect a literal sunrise before Lydia. Just when you think she is done with her colorful, beautiful, inspiring words, her personality shoots out a whole new hue of positivity, and impact. The reason I see her as the reporter is her love for “capturing the moment” every day she makes at least one video to describe the day, sometimes with laughing, and sometimes even with tears. The best part of capturing these moments with Lydia is they are not always Instagram perfect. Sometimes the photos are fuzzy, the videos are full of raw emotion, and the captions describe pure joy, sadness, stress, love, etc. But that is what makes Lydia such a good reporter, she captures every moment with her team, and loves every single moment captured, and she brings out the best in all of us. She is the keeper of memories, and a distributor of inspiration that no scrapbook could ever contain. 

The Secretary, Stationed by the Ear of Corn 

Eric has a heart of corn gold, which goes perfectly with his blue jacket. Although he hates reading, his correspondence and communication skills go beyond his duties. This is not because he talks a lot, but because he always shows up. He is the first you call when you are in a scary place or need help. Whether it is teaching you how to check your oil, mowing the lawn, walking you to your car, or creating “mandatory fun” in a stressful week, Eric is a jack of all trades, and a master at friendship. He has the greatest pep talks. He tells it like it is, but there is an optimism about him that makes us know, that even in struggles we can accomplish anything as a team. He has what we like to call true grit, and a cowboy attitude of when you get bucked off, saddle up again. There is nothing better than when one of those struggles ends, or we do something amazing together and he says he is proud of his team. I am not sure what our team would have been without him, he brings harmony, balance, and a ton of sarcasm to this outfit, and I am proud to call him my teammate and friend. 

The Vice President, the Plow  

When the crop does not yield the way, it should, the farmer does not simply give up. The farmer waits to plant again in the spring. Rachel is resilient, dedicated, and has the greatest set of critical thinking skills this side of the Mississippi. She is by the plow because she carries the legacy of the drive, perseverance, work, and promise of what labor does for progress. Rachel prides herself on her farm and proud Czech last name, but Rachel is also an anthology of hobbies, talents, skills, and interests. Rachel can spit fun facts off better than google, and every day I learn more about the world around me through Rachels eyes. Her knowledge and ambitions are as vast as the ocean and there is one thing, I am sure of, Rachel Sebesta can accomplish anything she sets her mind to. On top of her knowledge, strength and wisdom, Rachel has a heart for people. If you call her crying, she will cry with you, she will walk beside you, and she will be there when you cannot plow through the struggles of life on your own. From her eclectic taste in music, to her love for corgis, Rachel is the most well-rounded person on the block, and the friend who always steps in, in the absence of the rising sun. 

The President, the Rising Sun 

The rising sun is more than just a beautiful set of colors chasing away the darkness from the night before, it also symbolizes the beginning of new. Ashley embodies both things, she is what you get when beauty and grace meet progress and excellence. I am not sure how many hours this woman sleeps, but I know that to work like she does, I would run on nothing but caffeine. Ashley is reliable, like the sun every morning, and she fuels us with light to continue achieving new heights. Because of Ashley, our team has made a plethora of new accomplishments, gained skills, and learned to dress for any occasion. Her love for Disney also allows her to ignite her inner child and stay curious for what she can help tomorrow bring. Every day I watch Ashley do something inspiring and I am so glad I have that gal by my side. She reminds me of any Disney princess, spunky, funny, can solve anything with a nap or candy, and is determined to make the life she wants for herself and the people around her. I am just thankful that she is in my corner, as a friend that  motivate me to strive always for the next big thing. 

When I started this year, it was uncertain how it would begin and end. In fact, there is always a question, will this simply be my team, coworkers until the hangers hit the jackets, or will I walk off the stage June 3rd into a hallway with five friends. The answer is neither because friends are just chosen family. And family is what I would call these five amazing, inspiring, souls. 

As I sign off one last time, I want to say thank you to my teammates, to our amazing group of mentors that got us through this year, and to the members that welcomed us into their chapters, hometowns, and open arms. You all have made this year one for the books, and with my chapter almost complete, I cannot wait to start the next one! 
