Image for State Officers

State Officers

Each year, the Kansas FFA Association selects a team of six student members to serve the association as state FFA officers.

The primary responsibility of a state officer is to serve the organization in local, district, state and national activities in a way that will inform, motivate and inspire FFA members, advisors, alumni and others to achieve the mission, strategies and core goals of the organization.

State officers dedicate one year of service with the organization. The time is spent representing student membership during meetings with the Kansas FFA Executive Committee and partner organizations, facilitating workshops that bring leadership and knowledge to FFA members, delivering motivational speeches and serving as advocates for FFA and Kansas agriculture.

State officers are selected annually from a pool of outstanding FFA members. This challenging task is done by a nominating committee of Kansas FFA partners and former officers with input from state convention delegates.

2024-25 State Officers

Jory Ratzlaff Web
Jory Ratzlaff


Hayley Hines Web
Hayley Hines

Vice President

Quinn Browning Web
Quinn Browning


Zoe Rhodes Web
Zoë Rhodes


Mason Springer Web
Mason Springer


Natalee Bray Web
Natalee Bray
